Muslim Majlis University of Peradeniya comes up with yet another valuable opportunity for the G.C.E A/L 2019 students.

》 Are you eligible to enter to a University?
》 Do you know what's the best course for your Z-Score?
》 Having troubles with understanding the online application system?
》 Planning the next stage of your career?

Stop worrying, we got the answers.
Towards Success - University Course and Career Guidance Programme

🗓 On: 11th of January 2020
⏰ From 8.30 a.m onwards
🏤 At: E.O.E Pereira Theatre,
Engineering Faculty,
University of Peradeniya.

We will be covering:

• How to fill the online application for university selection?
• Guidance on External Courses after A/L.
• Complete guidance about University courses.
• Motivation Session

Students who sat for the G.C.E A/L Examination 2019 in Tamil medium, from all over the island are invited to participate.

▪︎ Programme will be conducted in Tamil.
▪︎Entrance Free.

Don't miss the opportunity. For more details feel free to contact :
077 9176999
072 624 5775
077 469 5414